Career With Us

Career With Us

Our Recruiters

We hone the skills of our students by making them participate in various activities and training sessions like live corporate events, trade fairs & shows, destination weddings, entertainment programs & fashion shows etc. This not only helps them boost confidence but also improves their interpersonal skills.. They receive the best of in-house trainings from the experts.

Student are also sent to IEM to cover and organise plethora of events throughout the year to make them understand the depth of Event Management. From conceptualisation to completion, students take avid interest in setting up and actively participating in these events. This training enhances their entrepreneurial skills and prepares them for a successful career ahead.

Event Training Management

The Placement team at IEM prepares students for Campus Placement Drives by conducting Group Discussions, Mock interviews, Teamwork programs, Comprehensive personality development programs etc. throughout the year which align with the expectation of the employers.
We at IEM train our students with


The internship program was developed to enable the learners to grasp the theoretical part of learning easily. It instils in them a certain degree of confidence and equips them with skills like team work, co-operation, decision making, problem solving, leadership and communication. The present generation is completely different from the older generations in terms of technological advancements, know-how, easily accessibility of information, evolved lifestyle etc. This led to curating modern day techniques of learning for the upcoming generations.

Our collaborators being the top notch and leading brands in the media & event management industry help organise one of the largest festivals, events & celebrations. We bridge the gap between our students and these established brands to bring them on the same platform where they can connect and resolve with desired outcomes.

Admission & Enrollment

Process of Admission

Apply for admission and register yourself for counselling : You are required to fill the application form and submit before the due date in order to get enrolled for admission at IEM.
Payment of fees for confirmed admission : You will receive a call from our admission counsellor after enrolment to confirm eligibility, resolve queries, submission of documents, once all this is approved you’re headed to payment of academic fees for confirming your admission to the course.
Admission Offer : The applications are carefully screened for superior academic performance/communication skills, creative aptitude, interests, and extracurricular accomplishments of the candidates. A list of chosen candidates is prepared by the Admission Committee. Priority will be given to those who show the requisite aptitude for the course they have applied for.
For any other queries, you’re requested to contact the admission counsellor.

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